Soton Orbis

An investigative project book using the overarching subject of Imaginary Maps. This book explores the idea that a space is only formed depending on the locations which fill and surround an area. Using the city of Southampton as primary research, concepts such as Star Maps, Constellations and Space were explored with the themes of Symmetry, Rotation and Patterns.

Client: University Project
Year: 2017

Outcomes: A4 Book + Posters
Disciplines: Layout, Typography, Photography

Primary research

Southampton locations were researched, formed, plotted and then joined together to create constellations. Each of the constellations were then given a latin name derived from a word linked to that location. Each constellation was combined together by overlaying and rotating around a centre point  to create unique star pattern.

Next stage

Following the last experiment, each constellation was rotated around a centre point to create a star pattern and then named after the constellation from which it was made.

Continuing the experimentation of the different constellations; each centre point was changed slightly and the constellations were rotated again around that axis. This process was repeated while trying different pattern variations of each constellation while continually getting more complex.

Book Details & Posters

Using all of the research and development an A4 sized book was created exploring the themes of Star maps, Symmetry and Patterns.

This includes constellations, symmetry and patterns from primary research of Southampon locations with Imaginary Maps as the overarching subject.

Four posters were also produced showing the final complex patterns from the end of the development.

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